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Much expected feature list and a news update!

I woke up sick this morning and also had to stay home due to some kitchen repair action. Thinking this was a good opportunity make a blog post, I wrote this post. Here's a little of what's going on lately with Pro-D development.

This December we'll be busy with ProD&D, our beloved dm-helping random map generator on android. We have quite a bit of overhaul to finalize and features to implement for it. This doesn't mean Pro-D won't get any attention, on the contrary some features we're making for ProD&D will be ported into Pro-D, but that's to come later in the game.

We'll be making updates to Pro-D as usual and here's a nice list of things we're contemplating of implementing:

User Suggestions:
  1. Random number of doors per room.
  2. Random or adjustable corridor width.
  3. Multiple levels in one map.
  4. Generation of rooms inside rooms.
  5. Item generation and placement on map.
  6. Fluid generation and placement on map.
  7. Secret rooms and doors as well as locked doors and keys.
  8. 2D toolkit support.
  9. Build-time generation.
More features planned by GLS:
  1. Step by step map generator viewer.
  2. Overhauling the walking script.
  3. Connecting staircases/entrances/exits with maps.
  4. Overhauling the theme system.
  5. Adding zone divisions into map generation.
  6. Zone based monster and item spawning.
  7. Item and inventory system.
  8. Additional algorithms for making humongous worlds.
(If you'd like to make an addition to this list, please go ahead and tell us and we'll add it!)


Pro-D Total 4.3 is out!

Here's the update log for Pro-D Total 4.3:

  1. Added a new method that places stairs according to a minimum distance. Now staircases aren’t placed next to each other and their distance can be adjusted.
  2. Added a new generator type called Generator_Castle.cs. This new generator uses some old and some new methods to generate castles.
  3. Added weights to the RandomTexture.cs and RandomSprite.cs. You can now assign weights to multiple visuals for one type of tile.
  4. Added some more methods into the method library.
  5. All themes now include outside path type of cell.
  6. Various bug fixes.

(WARNING: There's a unity bug that won't update your package automatically. You have to manually delete the old package at: C:\Users\yourAccountName\AppData\Roaming\Unity\Asset Store if you can't import the latest package properly.)

Here's a sneak preview of the castle generator on the upcoming Pro-D Total 4.3!

So Tobias added some very interesting methods to our method library and combined them with the preexisting ones to make these beautiful keeps! 

As we started generating these encampments it hit us that every castle had its own character and story. Every time you get a different layout with various quadrants and back-doors to these areas. Some zones have interconnected loops and some don't. We ended up asking ourselves: Is that backfield a training ground for the archers or an execution field for traitors? Maybe it leads to a troll chained to one of the castle towers... hehe :)

Go ahead and get Pro-D Total to make your own stories!


Welcome to the new blog!

We are restarting our blog to keep you updated with everything!

Welcome back!